What are Your Customers Looking For?

Self Storage Professional - Scott Meyers

Wouldn’t it help to know what your customers were thinking? If you could know what they were thinking, then you would know what they wanted and you could be at the top of your marketing game for your facility. What if I told you that I know what your customer was looking for? That there is a pretty solid list of things that most customers want to see in their facility of choice. Would you want to see their “check list”? Let me show it to you. There 3 big customer “wants” for a self storage facility.

Want #1: Good Security. This shouldn’t come as a shock. None of your customers want to lose sleep over their belongings being stored away from home. Most questions people first ask when checking out a potential self storage facility is about what kind of security measures they take. Be prepared! Have a system in place that will make them feel safe and confident. The top things that they are looking for are individual unit security, personal access codes and key, 24/7 video surveillance and dispatch, and fully lit and fenced properties.

Want #2: Inspect the Units. This one will be time consuming, but let them look at your vacant units! They are going to make sure that they are clean, not full of rodents and bugs. Let them know what you do for pest control and what you do to clean the facility after each tenant so they know they aren’t moving into someone else’s dirt.

Want #3: The Best Pricing. Don’t make this complicated. Make sure your fees are easy to understand with no fine print or fancy jargon. Customers are living in a very automated world, providing them with the ability to pay their bill online would show that you are going the extra mile for them (and you are more likely to receive payments on time!).

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